Emerson Montessori Foundation
Emerson Montessori Foundation (EMF) was established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2017 to support Emerson Elementary, Oklahoma's only public Montessori school, located north of downtown Tulsa.
We are committed to the development and maintenance of a one-of-a-kind outdoor experience for students and the community, while working to ensure a socioeconomically diverse, inclusive school environment.
Community projects
Along with funding and managing the farm and prairie, the foundation partners with teachers and community members on an array of projects and initiatives benefitting Emerson.

Emerson Farm CSA
The foundation launched a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program in spring 2020. Members receive a weekly share of produce grown at Emerson. CSA proceeds directly support Emerson Farm.
Here in 2022 we are raising funds to provide Emerson Elementary classrooms with weekly shares of produce from the farm.

COVID-19 Relief
With a grant from Tulsa Community Foundation, the foundation provided part-time employment in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. These additional employees helped expand Emerson Farm production and the CSA program.

Emerson Farm Entrepreneur Project
With a grant from the Lobeck Taylor Family Foundation, the foundation hired interns to work with our farm manager and learn about market farming in partnership with the GreenCore Farming Incubator.

Outdoor classroom fence
Ms. Caid initiated an online campaign to build a fence around the outdoor classroom to make the space safer for students to play and learn.

Latimer Street mural
The "Heritage, History & Hope" mural was completed by Mary Williams of Color Me True and a team of local artists in October 2019.

Chicken coop
After hatching chicks with her students, Ms. Guerra needed the foundation's help in buying a coop so they could watch them grow right outside their classroom.

Cedar wicking beds
The foundation funded and built 12 raised cedar wicking beds, designed by Oral Roberts University students, for Montessori classrooms to use.

Produce partnerships
The foundation has partnered with local restaurants and the Greenwood Farmer & Artisan Market to buy and sell a portion of our seasonal produce.

Volunteer events and tours
Interested in volunteering at and/or touring Emerson Farm? Individuals or groups are welcome to contact the foundation to schedule an opportunity.
Support EMF
When you make a contribution to Emerson Montessori Foundation, you are growing organic vegetables in a food desert, reforesting and restoring an urban area to its native ecology, and creating a deeper connection between nature and Emerson students, their teachers and families.
If you would like to send a paper check or in-kind donation, please contact us below—and thank you for your support.

EMF Donors
A special thank you to following individuals and organizations for their contributions:
Lobeck Taylor Family Foundation
Reed Jules Oppenheimer Foundation
Ruth Kaiser Nelson Family Foundation
Randy and Amy Davis